Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

Watercastle of Yogyakarta - Tamansari Yogyakarta

Watercastle of Yogyakarta, so elegant former royal buildings that look in front of my eyes. Here it is, Watercastle or people here used to call Castle. A former kingdom that I could feel that once this empire was very large and majestic. The former of the building still looked majestic, charming, graceful, and historic. Castle located along Ngasem, Yogyakarta. More precisely in the area south of Yogyakarta Palace. Castle built in the era of Sultan Hamengku bowono I in 1757, he was the one who built this Castle. Castle Buildings Portuguese style buildings combine style and Java. When Waterscastle Park which was a beautiful and sophisticated. The area southeast of the park until the crossroad town called Kampung Laut Segaran which means artificial. But the area now called Suryoputran. Each Sultan there with rowing boats across a suspension bridge called Kreteg Gantung located at the gates of the palace, the northern or southern Kemandungan.

The ruins of buildings associated with the suspension bridge can still be seen up to now.In addition to water transport is also a way out or underground tunnel leading from the sultan's palace to one of building the park, called Pasarean Ledok SariTaman sari besides formerly used as a place to relax and entertainment but also is also a unique defense system. While water is not only to beautify the park but also as a secret weapon to avoid danger. When the enemy attacked, the Sultan and his family escaped through underground tunnels. When everything was already in place safe, water gates will open and water will flood the enemy to drown.
And in 2010 has undergone refurbishment / restoration to preserve the building. It is expected that hopefully the refurbishment / restoration will increase visitors and can be excellent tourism of yogyakarta.




source photos: www.yogyes.com
info : http://students.ukdw.ac.id

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